I am a cheeky girl, so after being frustered the other night with my mismatched pony
and i decided to go the store in my area and change it, my friend who i went with
showed me all the ponies where EXCATLY THE SAME and it was me just being silly.
So decided to get me a Monster high doll. i have been looking at them for a while but couldnt get past there expensive price tag.
so i went to the store with the toy sale... and was very sad since THEY HAD COMPLETELY SOLD OUT OF THE SINGLES! zomg not my day :( So i said to my self (and out loud to my friend) stuff it, im going to pay full price. So i trailed to another store. to only find one left.
It was one i liked but my favorite ones. Still frustarted I ended buying her anyway XD
After that i had to check out another toy store who always had them expressive and for some reason they were CEAPER! GAH my friend did not want to trail back to the store where i had boiught the full priced one and at this store they had the one i wanted but was dirty and badly painted :( so they had my second fav there.
Biting the bullet i bought another one :(
Hungs head in shame
The thing is i still want my favorite. >>
im so greedy XD
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