Hi and welcome to Generally Geeky!
This is a blog about my interests, such as BJD's and gaming.
Many of you may find this through the link for the up coming pod cast: Really Resin.
So what does it mean to be generally geeky?
For many that know me or may end read this blog, will find that I pride myself as being a Geek :)
I like comic books, cosplaying, vidoe gaming for long periods of time and get overally excited when they release old school 80 tees of captain planet and super heros. (guys or girls tee)
So most of my interests and even the way I seem to present myself is a reflection of that.
So thats me generally :)
Please feel free to comment and chat, i love to here about well everything XD
Enjoy the blog :)
Song of the day: "The Hell that is my life" -Zebrahead